5 Facts to know about Presbyopia

Your vision works through refraction. The cornea and transparent lens of your eye bend incoming light that the retina converts into a message for your brain to turn into images. Presbyopia is an age-related vision problem caused by improper refraction, and it’s the reason you require reading glasses for small print or viewing an object up close.Your eyes can’t focus light correctly onto the retina due to the natural hardening of the lens. Getting older also impacts the muscle fibres in your eye, so they can’t reshape the lens to focus on nearby or far away objects like they did in your youth. Our eye doctor, Dr Joshua Hann, can help you find the best way to restore your vision during your eye exam.
1. Presbyopia Happens to Everyone
Presbyopia is a frustrating part of the aging process, and anyone over 35 is at risk. Researchers don’t know why the lens becomes increasingly inflexible with age, but it does happen to everyone. You’re not alone in your vision difficulties. There is no way to prevent presbyopia as it is not a disease but an age-related condition.
2. Presbyopia Symptoms Might Sneak Up On You
While eye strain and headaches are linked to excessive screen exposure, these symptoms can also signal presbyopia. Blurry vision, trouble driving at night and eye fatigue are common signs your eyes are aging. If you find yourself holding reading materials farther and farther from your face to read, schedule a comprehensive eye exam to discuss presbyopia.
3. A New Prescription Offers an Easy Fix for Presbyopia
If you have nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism, your prescription can be changed to accommodate presbyopia. Eyeglasses with the dual function typically split the upper and lower glasses lens, which allows you to see distant objects and read small print when looking through each area. Contact lenses can work with a monovision prescription that involves two lenses: One allows you to see near to intermediate objects while the other lets you view things in the distance.
4. Presbyopia Will Get Worse Over Time
Your vision will worsen as you get older. Annual eye exams are recommended for patients of all ages, but it’s important to make an appointment with our ophthalmologist as soon as you notice vision changes. This way we check to see if you need a new prescription and check for early signs of eye disease.
5. You Can Have More Than One Eye Condition
Reading fine print and seeing close objects is an issue for all aging adults, but dark spots in your field of vision, flashes of light and other changes are not. Those could be symptoms of severe eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts or diabetic retinopathy. Irreversible vision loss and blindness can occur quickly if these diseases are not diagnosed and treated early.
If you’re experiencing vision changes, contact Dr Joshua Hann at Eastside Eye Specialist Care today at (07) 3153 1000 or fill out our contact form to schedule your eye exam.